Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wrap up of the week

Yay! Tom. is Friday :) Alot has been going on this week and last week so I'm trying to think of the major things to blog about.
All of my classes are great (except for one I am still waiting on a textbook for), and the most noticeable change from last semester is my Spanish professor-I enjoy her about ten times more than the one I had last semester and I feel like I am going to do well.  My schedule is also switched up a little from last semester-I still have 8:00 class three days a week and a later start on Tues. and Thurs., but my changes are a night class from 6-8:50 on Monday nights, and I also only have one class on Fridays (nice).  
I have been watching God do some awesome things through my current church Daystar; we have a college leadership team made up of college students and many of them have recently been experiencing financial difficulties as well as really seeking God and asking him to reveal to them how to create a sense of community within the college ministry.  God answered 2 prayers a couple of weeks ago.  A lady that doesn't go to Daystar called Allan, the head pastor, and said that she owned an apartment complex a few minutes from UNCG and she wanted to give the church one apartment for guys and one for girls free of charge so right there that takes care of our leadership team's financial difficulties as far as housing goes. THEN she said that she wanted to offer apartments (up to 200) specifically for college kids at Daystar to live in at a discounted rate ( 415 dollars a month for a four person apartment, fully furnished, washer and dryer, utilities super cheap-about 6 dollars a month per person, and cable and internet included) plus the price drops the more people that sign up for these apartments. So, this is a great opportunity to build community and it's a blessing that we are very excited about. 
We are also starting a midweek college worship service on Wed. nights but not till Feb. 22nd so until then we are doing game nights.  Last night, we played photo scavenger hunt which was awesome! 
So that's a lengthy wrap on what's been happening-Night!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Long Week

Whew what a long week and a half! Classes are going well even though I have dropped one and replaced it with a different one and, I am dealing with the usual textbook buying, returning, bookstore frustration junk; nothing too serious though.  It's late and I have 8:00 class tom. so I better get some sleep; hopefully I can keep up with the blogging now that I'm getting into a routine. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day of Fresh Starts

Thanks for the welcome back Ms. Nancy :) Today was the first day of classes, a day with snow on the ground, AND inauguration day of the 44th President of the USA-Barack Obama-all good stuff!!  
As far as classes are concerned, I had 2, one at 12:30 and one at 2:00.  My 12:30 class is child development in family; I think it will be a pretty interesting class with not too much work. Our professor is 7 months pregnant so she will be there until she has her baby, then our co-instructor will take over; it will mix things up a little :) My 2:00 class is one on prisons; we are going to look at prison systems in the USA and worldwide.  We will look at conditions, problems, and media influence on our perception of prisons.  It is a small class and the topic is very interesting so I think I'm going to like it.  
The snow has only been mildly exciting considering Greensboro MAYBE got an inch.  (None of us understand why everyone else got alot more than we did or why when us beach folks leave the OBX it snows a blizzard there a day later ....)  Oh well, maybe we'll get a delay tom. on account of slick roads and I won't have to go to my 8AM class.   
I got the opportunity to watch Obama get sworn in at 12 before I left for class.  Quite a momentous event in history; even though I didn't vote for him, I'm still very interested and excited about the prospect of change. I chuckled a little when Obama stumbled on the second line where he was repeating the oath of office since Biden had 4 times the amount of words and didn't miss a beat.  Just a little funny :) Aretha Franklin did a fantastic job singing the national anthem and the group of musicians who played a piece that had bits and pieces of the song "Simple Gifts" (which I love) also did awesome.  
I was very excited to find out today that my former youth pastor-Andy and his wife Misha have adopted twins, Eli and Ava.  They are absolutely precious!  

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm Back!

I am back in Gboro as of 6ish tonight; I was completely unpacked by 10 so that is awesome considering all the junk I brought back.  It's good to be back-I hung out with Sadie and Hailey since Linsey and Ashlyn don't come back till tom.  Tomorrow will involve getting last minute stuff together for classes on Tues.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm about ready to head back to UNCG; I have really enjoyed spending time with the family, hanging out with friends, seeing people, earning some money :), and doing absolutely nothing, BUT I also enjoy routines which is something I have at school.  I am excited about starting new classes even though I know I will be sick of the work 2 weeks later.  
This week has consisted of work, running errands, cleaning the house, and watching 2 hour premieres of 24 and American Idol.  Tomorrow I have to work and then I am free to get things together and accomplish last minute tasks before I head back on Sunday.  I found out this week that I am assigned to a preschool class for my Teaching Fellows internship and I am very excited about that; preschool is the age group I have worked with the most and I just love their energy :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Great Hockey Game

I'm really tired but we had a great time at the Admirals hockey game tonight; they won 4-2 :) I got to take Sadie along since it was my birthday present to her and she loved it so we are going to try and go to another game soon, and it was also dad's birthday today so we were glad that we got to do something with him.  Got to get some sleep for church tom. at 9-bright and early!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Started Something New

I have tried to pick up the art of knitting for about 2 years now but I would always end up getting frustrated and I never started a project; I just never thought I was doing it right.  Well, over break I was absolutely determined that once and for all I was going to start a project and guess what? I did!  I am successfully halfway through knitting a scarf and am quite proud of the results so far (my mom is too because she NEVER thought I would try anything remotely related to sewing since I have always turned my nose up at it :)  There is something constructive I can be doing while watching 8+ hours of 24 in one day (like I did yesterday).  Today, mom and I were determined to accomplish something besides relaxation so I got her new laptop set up and I also got her on facebook (yay!) Mom has now entered the world of the 21st century :)  

Monday, January 5, 2009

Laid Back

Today was a very laid back day.  I didn't do a whole lot other than watch "24", look into study abroad stuff more, and take Roxy for a long walk. I cleaned out my closet last night which was quite a large task so I'm very glad that is taken care of and I can see the floor.  We found Cathy a dress on Sat. (yay!!!)  and I know she is very excited, and I am just as excited for her :) She hasn't bought it yet, but that will happen soon.
 "24" update: I'm now into the second season but I still have at least 8 more hours left so I will keep plugging on that :) I love shows like CSI, Navy NCIS, and 24, so I think I am going to be an elementary ed. teacher with a side job as a forensic scientist/federal agent/criminal investigator-what do you think? TV def. glorifies the jobs depicted in these shows, but I still think they would be kind of interesting to do. (Who knows I could always go back to school after I get my bachelors....)    
Thanks Ms. Nancy for Dale's blog site; I checked it out and I'll be adding it to the blogs I follow. As far as finding 24 goes, I would check can find lots of things on there for super cheap and all you need is an ebay username.  

Friday, January 2, 2009

I finished Season one...and 2008 :)

Ok Katie, you were right: the last hour of 24 was incredibly intense! I felt semi-depressed at the end but I am ready to plunge into Season 2...and 3 and 4.  2008 is also over, and for the most part it was a pretty good year for me.  Graduating high school and starting college were two huge highlights.  Seeing my best friend get engaged was another big highlight :) Speaking of which, tom. we head out to try and find a wedding dress with Me, Cathy, and her mom, and dad. Cathy really needs to find a dress tom. so we are hoping and praying that God will simply have one laid out for her in one of the stores.  
This week itself has been pretty busy; I worked Monday and Tuesday, watched Elizabeth Hodgson on Wed., went bowling and had lunch with Cathy on Thurs., and then watched Elizabeth again today.  Elizabeth has been a great joy to hang out with for 2 days-she has ALOT of energy, a wild imagination, and was a great helper taking down Christmas ornaments with my mom today. Hope to have her back soon :)  Next week, I will be working some and accomplishing other things on my to-do list.  Ms. Nancy, I will be praying for Dale as he heads back to Iraq as well as for you and Evan and Emily; love you guys!