Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day of Fresh Starts

Thanks for the welcome back Ms. Nancy :) Today was the first day of classes, a day with snow on the ground, AND inauguration day of the 44th President of the USA-Barack Obama-all good stuff!!  
As far as classes are concerned, I had 2, one at 12:30 and one at 2:00.  My 12:30 class is child development in family; I think it will be a pretty interesting class with not too much work. Our professor is 7 months pregnant so she will be there until she has her baby, then our co-instructor will take over; it will mix things up a little :) My 2:00 class is one on prisons; we are going to look at prison systems in the USA and worldwide.  We will look at conditions, problems, and media influence on our perception of prisons.  It is a small class and the topic is very interesting so I think I'm going to like it.  
The snow has only been mildly exciting considering Greensboro MAYBE got an inch.  (None of us understand why everyone else got alot more than we did or why when us beach folks leave the OBX it snows a blizzard there a day later ....)  Oh well, maybe we'll get a delay tom. on account of slick roads and I won't have to go to my 8AM class.   
I got the opportunity to watch Obama get sworn in at 12 before I left for class.  Quite a momentous event in history; even though I didn't vote for him, I'm still very interested and excited about the prospect of change. I chuckled a little when Obama stumbled on the second line where he was repeating the oath of office since Biden had 4 times the amount of words and didn't miss a beat.  Just a little funny :) Aretha Franklin did a fantastic job singing the national anthem and the group of musicians who played a piece that had bits and pieces of the song "Simple Gifts" (which I love) also did awesome.  
I was very excited to find out today that my former youth pastor-Andy and his wife Misha have adopted twins, Eli and Ava.  They are absolutely precious!  

1 comment:

Nancy H. said...

Did you have a good 1st week back at school? Hope you're studying hard!