Monday, February 16, 2009

Better Week

What a great weekend-I did absolutely nothing and felt like I recovered from my illnesses pretty well; the cough is still hanging around but I'm definitely feeling better. Valentine's Day was pretty lonely though I do have to say; the humorous part was going to the caf for dinner that night and observing the caf population: me sitting at a table alone, another girl several tables away all by herself, another girl by herself, and a table of guys :)  But I was a happy individual when I got to see Sadie, and Hailey again after they left for the weekend.  
This week is showing positive signs of not being as hectic as last so that's good, and I'm looking forward to going on a retreat to Myrtle Beach this weekend with a group from Daystar; should be fun since I've never been to SC! 
Hopefully I will have some pics to put up after that, and I should get some more childhood pics up sometime this week.  


Unknown said...

I went to Myrtle Beach this Christmas and it was a whole lot of fun. We went to all of the Ripleys attractions, and we stayed in a resort type thingish. We also, WOW I HAVE SPAGHETTI SAUCE ON MY KEYBOARD!!! sorry A.d.d moment, we also went to a few of the millions of mini golfing places....ooooo they have a Krispy Kreme place there and the hot sign was on so we stopped. The only other place that I saw one of those was in Lynchburg....someplace. And that is my story of Myrtle Beach, if you have any ?'s, Facebook me.


givinittogod247 said...

I am super excited about going Nick so thank you for the rundown on what's there :) don't worry, I will facebook ya if I need to! Bye Nick!