Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Not my Strength

I love it when God throws mini storms in my way, because it has really taught me to be thankful and not rely on my own strength (and I think that many times, the little storms are preparing us for an impending hurricane...).   
Thankful item # 1:  AIR CONDITIONING; our air conditioner broke last week and we just got it fixed today.  You don't realize how comfortable AC makes your life until you don't have it, and I also learned, I could survive without AC and prob. get used to being without it.  
Item # 2:  BEING SICK; I have been struggling with a summer cold/sinus thing since last week, and I am used to going, going, going all the time, helping out, working 40+ hours 6 days a week, and getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night.  Whenever I get sick, I have to teach myself to rest a little more than I'm used too, and God often gives me that nudge telling me "you know, you can't do life without me, I'm your strength source".  There's always a reason for the storms of life.
I want to send out a Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Camas Frey who got married on Sunday, July 19th!  The wedding was beautiful, the first one I've been to on the Manteo waterfront.  

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