Friday, February 11, 2011


Obama: Egypt 'Never Be the Same'

The world is constantly moving and changing and we saw Egypt make its' mark in history this week as the nation's President stepped down after 30 years in power! The strength and stamina of the protestors over the past 18 days has been inspiring, and it will definitely be interesting to watch the direction Egypt is headed as the military steps into power.

Meanwhile, I am 1/3 of the way through the spring semester as of the end of this week! What can I say, time flies when you're having fun. As I work my way through my internship this semester, I can say that I like 3rd grade more than Kindergarten, which I'm really glad I figured out now, because I initially wanted Kinders for my student teaching. I never saw myself liking the upper grades more than the younger ones, but now I'm thinking I want 3rd or 4th grade next year. I have also discovered that Kindergartners are very germy! I just keep telling myself that all these colds I keep getting are strengthening my immune system; and it could be worse, I could have the stomach virus.

Hope you are encouraged by the return of some warmer weather this weekend like I am. Sit back and relax!

1 comment:

Rayn said...

Warmer weather? We're supposed to get snow up here this weekend!!! As for the kids' grades - I have always loved working with 3rd graders (at camp)... so I'm glad you made that switch :)

Miss ya Kata!