Behold, I present you with a sneak peek at my very first bread machine creation! It tasted pretty awesome, and made it smell like a bakery up in here. And check out the top on that thing, not really sure why it looks like that but I guess every loaf is unique?

It's gonna be good with some PB + Nutella!
Haha Nutella.. you would! Its also quite easy to make bread w/out the breadmaker - how do you like it? I've never used one before (usually do it without). What flavor/type of bread is that?
Gotta have my Nutella :) I actually haven't made it without the bread machine but wouldn't mind trying! This loaf was light wheat so I made it with 3/4 all-purpose flour and 1/4 whole wheat; I also like regular whole wheat. Got some recipes for me Raynie?
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