Woot! All moved into my apartment in Greensboro as of Saturday, and I couldn't be more excited :) It's amazing having my own room again and just being able to have all my STUFF in one spot. My biggest challenge right now is food and meals; I've not really ever had to cook for myself before, and while my cooking skills have improved, my meal planning and solo grocery shopping experience are sort of limited; I'm whipping out the coupons and the recipes and hoping it all turns out alright :)
It's hard to believe classes start Monday; while I'm nervous about the intensity of my schedule, I'm excited to start interning in a classroom again, and taking more teaching related classes. I switched my minor a few weeks ago from Religious Studies to Human Development and Family Studies so I can maybe eventually go back and get my Birth-K licensure, and this minor will make it easier to do so.
I am also thrilled to be back at Daystar Christian Fellowship after a 6 month leave period. I'm gearing up to lead my small group this semester and I'm jumping back on the nursery team to help out with the toddlers!
God's provision never ceases to amaze me. I'm so thankful for my family who has been immensely helpful in getting me moved, I'm thankful for my friends and 2 great roommates, I'm thankful for my church family, I'm thankful for a place to live, and I'm just thankful for where God has me in my life right now.