Seriously, this girl to the left is craaazy

Let's pet Valentina

What did I tell ya

Serious pics with Rachel, I think not never

Def. my favorite of the night

Finally, just smiles :)
Academically, I've gotten beyond the point of being sick and tired of classes so now, I go to my lectures whether I want to or not and I just grit my teeth, forget about sleep, and just do my assignments; I've gone through alot of different stages since I've been here (P.S. if you're considering studying abroad, and they tell you about culture shock, and you think 'pshhh culture shock, it's not gonna happen to me' (like I did.....for some odd reason) you're WRONG), it really has been a good learning experience for me; the biggest change I've seen in myself is that I'm way more relaxed-at home I tend to be very uptight about my studies, but here I've made the time to hang out with people, enjoy it, and not worry so much about the work. Hopefully I'll take that mindset home with me.... and still do all of my schoolwork of course.
Skydiving mission is ON for the weekend of the 15th-pretty excited about jumping out of a perfectly good airplane at 11 or 14,000 feet (haven't decided which height yet).
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