I mean I'm sure you've thought about them, they have branches, they have leaves, they shed their leaves in gorgeous colors during the Fall, they fall on cars and houses when the wind gets too strong, but have you ever looked at the way they were created with their branches reaching towards the sky?
God could have created them with no branches at all, he could have made them all Weeping Willows, or he could have created them with all their branches sticking out at 90 degree angles, but he didn't. Then I thought about how similar they are to us, because they look just like we do when we have our hands and arms reaching up to God. Trees are constantly worshipping with their hands raised :) I just thought that was a really cool thing to think about.
You can even get deeper into tree-human similarities when you think about trees and their roots. We need to stay firmly rooted in God just like a tree needs to be firmly rooted in the ground, otherwise it will topple over when the weather gets too rough.
Trees (not all, but many) go through seasons where they basically breathe in and breathe out, breathing in CO2 and releasing Oxygen (I think that's right, Megan corrected me on it). As Christians, we go through seasons of change and cycles as well. Creation puts me in awe of the Creator.
I love being surrounded by trees and greenery and blue skies, but I've heard we are headed into dry season and soon everything will be brown, so I'm enjoying it while I can!
I'll leave you with a poem that I found on the cover of a journal that my friend, Brandy, gave me:
"Nature is a painting for us,
day after day,
Good post today Katie It made me think about trees in a different way, and you are right. Trees, just like people, have their seasons...very good post!
Oh, I saw "Shutter Island." Very good movie....see it if you can.
Glad I could give you some tree perspective Mrs. Nancy :)
And I want to see '"Shutter Island" really bad!
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