The key verse was Exodus 20:17 where God is giving the commandment not to covet, and the writer proceeded to explain how dangerous covetousness really is in our society today because we are so material centered. But the last paragraph was what really got me: 'We don't have to compete for what other people have. What God has for us, faith says, He will make sure we get. And if we don't get it, then we don't need it." And so you might ask well what exactly is faith? Hebrews 11:1- "What is faith? Is is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see." (so crazy because this is our memory verse this week for my small group!) God has my best interest at heart! How cool is that :) I can know that if it's His will, then it's going to happen, but if it doesn't happen, then it can't be in my best interest (He loves me (and you) that much).
This was just really encouraging to me today, and hopefully it offers a little encouragement to you as well; have faith. Be content. God has your best interest at heart.
I've been taking a couple pics throughout the week because we've been having some pretty colorful sunsets.
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