Thursday, September 10, 2009


It's amazing how not having classes just one day out of the week makes the days go by faster.  Labor Day weekend consisted of not alot other than schoolwork and watching the NCIS marathon that was on Monday.  I proceeded to get a cold on Tues. (NOT swine flu, I promise) but am actually feeling really good today other than the fact that I don't have a voice.  That is due in part to all the loud singing I got to do last night at the Tap (Daystar's midweek college service) where Jared Anderson of Desperation Band came to lead us in worship; He did an amazing job, and I didn't realize how many songs we sing on Sunday morning are actually those that Jared wrote; he would probably be most well known for writing the popular song performed by The Newsboys "I am Free".  So, Jared did a great job and we had a huge turnout that we hope to continue seeing.  
I'm also excited about the prospect of getting to lead 2 small groups this semester.  One is through Daystar where Sadie will be helping me and the second is through Baptist Campus Ministries where me and another girl will be trading off weeks.  Our material for the Daystar group will be from the Sunday morning messages and the BCM material is going to come from a book Amy and I selected:  "All I Need is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans".  I think it's going to be a challenge, since I've never lead a small group before, but like our NHC ad says:" So easy, a caveman could do it." :)
Study abroad update:  All application materials have been submitted with the exception of one reference form which a professor forgot to sign...and then I have an interview on September 24th where I should get a pretty good idea of the school I will be attending.  I will know for sure by Oct. 15th.  
On a final note, I want to share one of my favorite songs from last night that we sang with Jared.  It fits perfectly with the verse, Zephaniah 3:17, that I shared 2 posts ago.

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