Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow pics

I was very excited today to start my internship at Peck Elementary School (and a little nervous at the same time...); It was great-I love preschoolers! They have alot of energy and alot of curiosity.  They wanted to feed me all the food at the food/drama station as well as show me all the costumes they had to dress up in.  When I first got there, they were going through a book they had made for their cafeteria lady who had been hurt, and when they took it to her,  you could tell she was absolutely touched by it. 
It was a little bit of a bummer though that we didn't get ANY snow last night despite the forecast for 1-3 in. (the weather people have one more strike and then they're out.)  But Friday is coming soon and that means I get to see Cathy and Dakota! I'm very excited about that :) I have another pic to put up that are fitting for all the snow that people have been seeing.  They were taken prob. when Meg and I were 5 and 6 (?) after we got a snow when we lived in our Preston, MD farm house.  That orange sled was a huge favorite and went with us from house to house till me moved to the OBX.  


Nancy H. said...

Hello Katie! I was sure hoping that we would get our 3 inches of predicted snow but NO! We got three snowflakes instead, but I am not bitter! Preschool is alot of fun, but it can make you tired. I love the old pics of you guys when you were little. You all are just so darn cute! Give Cathy and Dakota my leave and make sure you give Dakota a hug from Emily!

Nancy H. said...

oops...give Cathy and Dakota my LOVE...not leave!