Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fun Night

Tonight's Men's Soccer game against Wofford was intense!  We went into overtime with the score 0-0, and we weren't but a few minutes in, when UNCG scored!  We were all very excited as the team has been enduring a 4 game losing streak, so this was a good boost for them.  After the game we (the cheerleading crew from Daystar) walked to the Tate Street Coffee House which is a really cool place to hang out.  I got a hot chocolate and it was delicious, but I'm going to have to go back there and try some of their coffee.  I also enjoyed observing the decor of the place- they have lots of lights, paintings, photos, and antique looking wall hangings; I got some pics so I'll post them ASAP.
School-wise, I've got an Anthropology midterm on Thursday which I'm kind of scared about so we'll see how that goes.  I was really excited that I got a 95 on my GIS exam!  And I was also really excited to get a care package today from my mom.  She sent me food, books, a new pair of flip-flops, a card, and some fall decor; enough to last me till I go home.  Fall Break countdown:  9 days :)

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