Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Home Sweet Home
I am finally home as of Saturday for Thanksgiving break! Cathy and Chris were amazing and picked me up Saturday morning to go to the Transiberian Orchestra Concert in Raleigh; the concert was fantastic with great music and lots of cool stage effects. We then drove from Raleigh to the OBX getting home around 10 so we made pretty good time. I was so excited to Cathy since I haven't seen her since August. I got to go wedding dress shopping with her on Monday which was alot of fun and we think we have a pretty good idea of what Cathy wants-yay! I almost feel like the break isn't long enough because I have sooo much schoolwork to do since we only have 2 weeks of the semester left when we return Dec. 1st before Christmas break! I will be thrilled to have a month off and no work to do :) So, writing papers is on the agenda for today as well as cooking some food for Thanksgiving dinner at dads tom. I hope mom's dinner at the CHKD caf is decent; the upside to her having to work is that we get to have her for Christmas so that's a blessing. Have a great Thansgiving everyone!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Some white stuff out there this morning.
Greensboro got a light dusting of snow overnight :) (When you're from the beach, any snow at all is nice.) I said this past weekend was an ADD one and this week hasn't improved any. God has been working in amazing ways though in order to reduce my stress levels; I've had classes cancelled, assignments pushed back, and assignments cancelled all together; it has been great! I also got an offer from Cathy that I could not refuse; her and Chris are coming out to Raleigh on Saturday to see the Transiberian Orchestra play and Cathy offered to come get me at UNCG! That means I get to leave school 4 days early :) I am really, really excited :) I am even more excited about spending time with Cathy because I miss her and haven't seen her in ages. I am hoping God will provide some down time over break in order for me to get some work done-I have 3 papers to write on top of exam studying and other work. For Thanksgiving, mom is working so Meg, Steve, and I will be going to VA Beach to spend Thurs. with dad-should be interesting since this will be the first time spending a holiday with him. Dad is also taking us to an ice hockey game next Sat. which should be fun. So, as Thanksgiving approaches, I feel like I am already in Christmas mode, listening to Christmas music and realizing that when I go home for break there will only be 10 days till Christmas! Time to start shopping now....
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Weekend Recap
I've had a very ADD weekend not wanting to do work :) it's not a good thing when you have alot to get done! I went to a violin and piano recital on Friday night that was very good but it was so relaxing that I was nodding off more than once.
Saturday, I went shopping with a group from Daystar to shop for Operation Christmas Child; I absolutely love making these shoeboxes-this year I made one for a 10-14 year old girl; I packed the box full of school supplies, hair accessories, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, flashcards, glowsticks, a coloring kit, candy, and a nice soft pillow. It was amazing to see all the shoeboxes stacked in front of the church this morning-there were definitely over 100.
Saturday night I went to see the play "Revenger's Tragedy" for my honors proseminar class, which was horrendous; the acting was not bad but the content was terrible-cuss words flying left and right and way too much violence and sexual references. There were times I couldn't even watch and I just put my head down! I was more than happy to leave when it was over....
At Daystar, we are in a series entitled "Picture This"; this week we talked about picturing Daystar as a church that was wildly generous. God is such a generous God and we need to be giving back to him through our tithes and offerings; we also need to be reaching out to our community and leave behind the materialistic mindset our nation is sitting in. It was a convicting, though-provoking message.
This week is another crazy one, but it brings me ever closer to Thanksgiving break!!
Saturday, I went shopping with a group from Daystar to shop for Operation Christmas Child; I absolutely love making these shoeboxes-this year I made one for a 10-14 year old girl; I packed the box full of school supplies, hair accessories, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, flashcards, glowsticks, a coloring kit, candy, and a nice soft pillow. It was amazing to see all the shoeboxes stacked in front of the church this morning-there were definitely over 100.
Saturday night I went to see the play "Revenger's Tragedy" for my honors proseminar class, which was horrendous; the acting was not bad but the content was terrible-cuss words flying left and right and way too much violence and sexual references. There were times I couldn't even watch and I just put my head down! I was more than happy to leave when it was over....
At Daystar, we are in a series entitled "Picture This"; this week we talked about picturing Daystar as a church that was wildly generous. God is such a generous God and we need to be giving back to him through our tithes and offerings; we also need to be reaching out to our community and leave behind the materialistic mindset our nation is sitting in. It was a convicting, though-provoking message.
This week is another crazy one, but it brings me ever closer to Thanksgiving break!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Time Flies
Today was one of those days (weather wise) where I could have curled up in bed with my pjs and the tv and been perfectly content :) It was about 50 degrees out, windy, foggy, misting and raining at the same time. I haven't had too much sleep this week-I went to bed around 1:30 Mon. night, 12:45 Tues. night, and 2:30 Wed. night. and all of those times are later than usual for me, so I'm looking forward to getting to bed at a decent hour tonight.
This weekend isn't going to slow down any; I have to go a thing called TeanQuest tom. afternoon-it's a ropes course that teaches teamwork and it's for my honors proseminar class. I'm also going to a music concert for my music class tom. night. Saturday, I will be doing homework, going to get stuff for Operation Christmas Child, and then going to see the play "Revenger's Tragedy". I cannot believe that next week is my last full week of school before I leave for Thanksgiving break on Tues. the 25th!! Which in turn means that next week will be insaaaane :) but it's all good, not worried....
I got to register for Spring '09 classes last night at midnight and I'm pretty satisfied with my schedule:
-CUI 199-Teaching Fellows Seminar II
-ENG 251-Major American Authors: Colonial to Romantic
-HDF 302- Infant and Child Development in Family
-HSS 208- Seminar in Fine Arts-First Nights
-HSS 225- Seminar in Social and Behavioral Science-Prisons
-SPA 204-Intermediate Spanish II
-ENG 251-Major American Authors: Colonial to Romantic
-HDF 302- Infant and Child Development in Family
-HSS 208- Seminar in Fine Arts-First Nights
-HSS 225- Seminar in Social and Behavioral Science-Prisons
-SPA 204-Intermediate Spanish II
I'm happy that I will only have one class on Friday! It's really just so crazy that the semester is almost over and Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming quick!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
God's Voice...amazing
Had another one of those moments today where God was like "Katie, you are getting worried and stressed about too many things and you need to come sit at my feet." Then, tonight I read in Matthew the story of Jesus paying a visit to Mary and Martha where Martha is busy running around and serving, while Mary is sitting at Jesus' feet. Jesus has to remind Martha when she gets all riled up that her sister isn't helping, that Mary is doing what is more important-spending time with Him. So, that was a nudge I got from God today (felt more like a shove...)
BCM was awesome tonight; Our speaker was Jason who was the former college pastor at Daystar. He continued the series on Joseph by talking about Joseph's run-in with Potipher's wife. Jason really drove home the importance of maintaining our sexual purity not only now but also during marriage. It was a thought-provoking message and he pushed us to glorify God in this area and get rid of those thing in our life that are causing us to stumble (such as what we watch on tv, the music we listen to, and the internet).
Today has really just been eye-opening and even though I have SO much to do this week and the next couple of weeks, I don't feel as stressed out as I did earlier today. God MUST be a priority and after that, He will provide the time and strength I need....Here are the verses from Matthew I talked about earlier:
"Now as they went on their, way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me." But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is neccesary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." Matthew 10:38-42
BCM was awesome tonight; Our speaker was Jason who was the former college pastor at Daystar. He continued the series on Joseph by talking about Joseph's run-in with Potipher's wife. Jason really drove home the importance of maintaining our sexual purity not only now but also during marriage. It was a thought-provoking message and he pushed us to glorify God in this area and get rid of those thing in our life that are causing us to stumble (such as what we watch on tv, the music we listen to, and the internet).
Today has really just been eye-opening and even though I have SO much to do this week and the next couple of weeks, I don't feel as stressed out as I did earlier today. God MUST be a priority and after that, He will provide the time and strength I need....Here are the verses from Matthew I talked about earlier:
"Now as they went on their, way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me." But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is neccesary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." Matthew 10:38-42
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Little Excitement is Always Good....
Well, since I last posted, we have a new President elect-Barack Obama. Congrats to him and I am very curious as to where our country will be headed with him at the helm.
This week was a very busy one so when Friday rolled around, I was thrilled. I went to see the play "Holiday" on Friday night and it was pretty good. It reminded me alot of "The Great Gatsby"; I think, however, I would have enjoyed it more had I been more awake because it lasted for 3 hours. Today, my dad drove in from West Virginia for a visit. We got some lunch, I showed him my luxurious dorm room, we went to see a trumpet recital so I could get credit for my Music App. class, we went to the mall where I got a sweet pair of New Balance shoes so I can keep my feet warm, and then we went out to dinner with Sadie. I had a very fun day but the most interesting part of the day came at dinner. We had just ordered our food, when the manager came up to us inquiring if either of us owned the car that Sadie has; he informed us that a gentleman had hit it while backing out and had come to find the owner to exchange insurance information (what an honest guy). The poor man had never been in an accident in his life nor had he ever even received a ticket, so Sadie decided to call her sisters and get them to come see the car and help them figure out what the best thing to do was. While waiting, we found out that the man was from Georgia and that he was in Greensboro for a dog show at the Greensboro Coliseum. His wife has been showing pugs for the past 30 years! Sadie's sisters finally showed up and decided to call the police and file a report over the phone, but when Micah got one the phone with them, they basically said they didn't care....if the damage wasn't more than 1,000 dollars then they weren't going to send an officer out to watch Sadie and the man exchange insurance information. SO, they simply exchanged insurance information and Sadie finally came back into eat about 20 minutes after the food was brought out. The food was really good though! It's always good to have a little excitement in the day.....
Tomorrow, I am going to church in the morning and then I will be doing work the rest of the day-yay!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day '08
It was a rainy election day here in Greensboro :) I was able to get out and vote around 4:30 and there was no line or anything! I was pretty excited that I didn't have to wait and I was even more excited to be a first-time voter. Showing off my sweet sticker:
"I voted...Presidential Election"

Besides voting, today has been pretty dull. Just doing lots of schoolwork and prepping for my presentation on Thursday. I attended BCM (Baptist Campus Ministries) for the first time tonight and I really enjoyed it. Compared to Intervarsity, I think I might like it better. It's smaller so I feel like I can get to know more people; rather than bring in speakers who speak on random topics (lately they have been talking about the same thing over and over again so it has been kind of redundant), BCM has different speakers that speak on a series; so right now they are focusing on the life and journey of Joseph with a different speaker presenting different aspects of that story each week. I also feel like BCM does more outside trips and retreats than Intervarsity. So, I will definitely be going back to BCM and not sure about Intervarsity yet. Enjoy watching the election results tonight and by tomorrow (hopefully) we will know who the next leader of our country will be.....God is my king, and He is in control.
"I voted...Presidential Election"
Besides voting, today has been pretty dull. Just doing lots of schoolwork and prepping for my presentation on Thursday. I attended BCM (Baptist Campus Ministries) for the first time tonight and I really enjoyed it. Compared to Intervarsity, I think I might like it better. It's smaller so I feel like I can get to know more people; rather than bring in speakers who speak on random topics (lately they have been talking about the same thing over and over again so it has been kind of redundant), BCM has different speakers that speak on a series; so right now they are focusing on the life and journey of Joseph with a different speaker presenting different aspects of that story each week. I also feel like BCM does more outside trips and retreats than Intervarsity. So, I will definitely be going back to BCM and not sure about Intervarsity yet. Enjoy watching the election results tonight and by tomorrow (hopefully) we will know who the next leader of our country will be.....God is my king, and He is in control.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fun Weekend
I'm soooo tired right now but it has been a fun weekend :) Friday night was Halloween but I didn't really do anything special. I went to Sadie's sisters' apartment with Sadie, Linsey, Hailey (Linsey's roomate) and Ashlyn (friend from Connecticut); we made spaghetti and watched "Top Gun" which I'd never seen-pretty decent movie. Saturday involved sleeping in till about 10:30 (way later than I wanted to) and then getting lots of schoolwork done till about 7 or 8:00 when Linsey, Hailey, and two guys from the first floor- Drew (a Teaching Fellow) and his roomate Evan all came to hang out with Sadie and I in our room. It was fun stuff watching youtube videos, and 2 chick flicks on Oxygen-"What a Girl Wants" and some dance movie that was a little corny but good. You know Evan and Drew were just loving "What a Girl Wants" :) I then passed out around 2AM; we were all pumped that we got to turn the clocks back so we figured we'd take advantage of the extra hour of sleep and go to bed late. Another exciting event of the day was a call I got from my best friend Cathy telling me she got engaged!!! I am so thrilled and excited about it, and I'm also stoked about being the Maid of Honor :)
Today, I went to church in the morning, came back to UNCG, ate lunch, and then cleaned the dorm room up sparkling clean. Sadie got a small group of us together around 4:00 to go play a bunch of sports. We played volleyball, football, and basketball for several hours; we felt like it was field day in middle school. It was a good to get some energy out, and we decided we are going to do it more often. I got some work done after we came back from "field day" before talking to Meg and Steve for about an hour on speaker phone tonight with Sadie and it was hilarious to say the least. I was dying of laughter so many times....good stuff :) I'm going to need to get my beauty sleep so I can prep. for my crazy insane week coming up. Hope everyone had a safe and happy halloween!
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